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Most literature connects ADHD with negative characteristics; however, I have found nearly all my students with ADHD to be GIFTED not cursed!
As a parent of a child with ADHD I’m not going to try to convince you that there are no challenging aspects to this condition, especially when they are school-aged students. Nevertheless, once you get through the difficult years, you will realise that many of the qualities that cause these children to ‘struggle’ are actually fantastic assets which position them for success in adult life.
The extraordinary skillset of children with ADHD often includes:
- An unusual ability to focus intently for lengthy, sustained periods on what interests THEM. Help them to embrace this and turn it into a positive pursuit.
- Resilience, which is developed as they overcome the many obstacles they face in a school day.
- Creativity and imagination- because they have a unique perspective, they are good problem solvers, exceptional brainstormers and are capable of thinking outside the box.
- They are often great conversationalists and have a quirky sense of humour.
- Children with ADHD are courageous risk takers, which can be frowned upon, but this approach to life has proven to have a positive effect on a child’s emotional, social and physical development. Measured risk taking can lead to improving self-esteem, developing independence, cultivating diverse thinking, understanding consequences and helping to make sound judgements.
- Boundless amounts of energy. This sometimes poses a nightmare for the classroom teacher, but for an adult it’s a bonus!
- Loving being the centre of attention- they are outstanding hands-on workers and are often happy to jump in and get a job done.If your ADHD child is feeling burdened by their challenges help them to recognise their strengths and learn to use these gifts to their advantage. Google with them, ‘Celebrities with ADHD,’ and read the articles about people such as Dick Smith, Sir Richard Branson, Ita Buttrose and Michael Phelps – who have done just that!